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August Newsletter 2024


     August 2024


We would like to remind our members that the 2024-2025 membership fee is now due. Your $10.00 contribution supports the work of NEMA in assisting the CALD community. Payment can be made at the office or by depositing directly into the bank. 

Please remember to include your full name in the description. 

Account Name: N.E.M.A. Inc.   BSB 633000 Account Number: 160600987     If these options are not suitable, please call the office.



NEMA (Northeast Multicultural Association) is launching its "Connecting Cultures" project on 31 July, 2024, at the Benalla Community Services Hub - 52 Carrier St, Benalla. This initiative, supported by the Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal (FRRR), will run every Wednesday from 9:30am2:30pm. It is designed to aid migrant, refugee,  and Asylum seekers families in Benalla, focusing on overcoming challenges related to language barriers and cultural integration in a predominantly Anglo-Saxon town.

The project offers vital support services including language and cultural orientation, emergency preparedness, and guidance on navigating Australian society. By collaborating with local organizations and faith-based groups, NEMA aims to enhance the well-being of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) residents, promote their active community participation, and empower them through advocacy and leadership opportunities.

Citizenship Ceremonies 

In recent weeks NEMA’s Brian Hill and Faryal Nawaz Khan have had the pleasure of attending Citizenship ceremonies held at the Benalla Art Gallery and the Indigo Shire office, respectively. NEMA delights in welcoming and congratulating our newest Australian Citizens and we wish them all the best for the future. 

Bottom: Benalla Art Gallery. (Far left) Brian Hill with Benalla Mayor—Cr Danny Claridge (2nd left).   

Below left: Indigo Shire Offices. (far left) Faryal Nawaz Khan (NEMA Project Manager/ Community  Development Officer/ Senior Outreach Worker), (2nd right) Indigo Shire Mayor—Sophie Price, (far right) Bill Tilley MP. Below right: (centre) Indigo Shire Mayor— Sophie Price, (far right) Bill Tilley MP.

Elder Rights Advocacy Speaker at NEMA’s August Midweek Break   

On 21 August at 10am, join us for an informative session about the National Aged Care Advocacy  Program, delivered by OPAN (Older Person’s Advocacy Network) member organizations in Victoria. This session will provide an overview of free, independent, and confidential advocacy services funded by the Department of Health and Aged Care. 

We aim to help aged care consumers understand their rights and how to access the support. This session will also introduce the Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS) program, which may be of interest to attendees. The session will last approximately 30 minutes, followed by a Q&A for any questions or referrals.

Yarrawonga College P-12 Year 11 Students visit NEMA 


Last Monday, Year 11 students from Yarrawonga College P-12 visited us to explore the theme of 'Community.' The session featured insightful presentations from Joanne Ng, a NEMA Board member, and Glenn Mercer, SES Community Resilience Coordinator for the North East and Eastern Regions/ Wodonga. Faryal delivered a thought-provoking talk on the experiences of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, highlighting their contributions and challenges in new environments. Additionally, Ian Prentice, President of NEMA, engaged the students in an interactive activity to deepen their understanding. We eagerly anticipate welcoming more schools and colleges to explore the richness of CALD communities and their significant roles and challenges.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to: Ira, Kathleen, Aiai, Supannee, Ket, Hana, Manpreet, Feri, Raelene, Meisem, Ekta, Clara Mae, Simonette, Tanatta, Ujjwal Dutt, Elena, Margaret, Mark, Jan, Jyoti, Enisusiyanti, Deanne, Poudel, Halima, Reuben, Romina, Meg, Faith, Dianne, Thipphavanh, Elvira, Tanzila, Rajiv, Somi, Ruku, Visha

Happy Independence/National Day to our friends and members from India,  Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore and Ukraine 


WELCOME to our new members: Sim and Julianna 

21st Aug. Wednesday - NEMA’s Mid-week Break in Suite 4, 10:00am. Guest speaker from Elders Rights Advocacy (see page 2). Come along for a ‘cuppa’ and a chat. Please bring a plate of food to share. Everyone welcome. Please note the new time. 


20th Aug. Tuesday - Bright Social Group lunch - will be at the Star Hotel, 91 Gavan St, Bright at 11:45am.


8th Aug. Thursday  -  Savoy Ladies Social Group - AGM and lunch to be held at Savoy Club, Myrtleford at

12 noon.  For further information contact Gabriella on 5752 2181



All weekly events for NEMA are free unless stated otherwise.


TUESDAY:  6.00—7.00pm Wangaratta English lessons at our offices. 


ALPINE SHIRE REGION:  If  anyone is interested in English lessons please contact the Office.    Contact details below. (Future lessons would be held in Bright)


                                                      I.T. Lessons by appointment only. 



Suite 3, 90-100 Ovens St, Wangaratta. 

Ph: 03 5721 5490   Mob: 0477 995 306


Office open Monday - Wednesday from 9:00am to 3:00pm. 

Availability outside these hours by appointment only.

Calls to 0477 995 306 will be answered Mon - Fri 9:00am to 5:00pm. 

Any messages outside these hours will be returned next business day.


If you need help with education, advocacy or just feel like a ‘cuppa’ and a chat, call in and see one of our friendly volunteers.



Contact Us


Phone: (03) 5721 5490

Address: Suite 3, 90-100 Ovens Street, Wangaratta.

Mail: PO Box 417, Wangaratta VIC 3676

Acknowledgement of Country

The North East Multicultural Association acknowledges traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea, and community.  Our  office is located on the lands of  Pangerang and Yorta Yorta nations. We pay our respect to the people their Elders past, present and emerging. We embrace and celebrate their continuing cultures.


Areas we service:

  • Alpine Shire

  • Benalla Rural City

  • Indigo Shire

  • Mansfield Shire

  • Rural City of Wangaratta

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